Saturday 22 June 2013


I was not successful in my "Veggie Week" last week and I was so frustrated because I was only able to cook for three days. Oh well.

Here's the third dish, "Pinakbet".

Here's what you need:

50 pesos worth of pork, cut into strips
2 pcs eggplant, sliced
4 pieces okra, sliced
20 pesos worth of squash, cubed
5 pesos bagoong
1 medium size ampalaya, seeded and sliced
3 pcs tomatoes, cubed
1 Knorr pork cube
1 medium onion
4 cloves garlic
1 cup water

Here's how to prepare:

- Saute onion and garlic. Add pork, bagoong and tomatoes.
- Add okra, eggplant and ampalaya and squash.
- And pork cube and 1 cup water.
- Simmer for `5 to 20 minutes until veggies and pork are tender.

Sunday 16 June 2013

McDonald's free Spicy Chicken Burger on Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the Daddy, Tatay, Papa, Itay, Dada all over the world! 

In celebration of Father's Day today, McDonald's gave McSpicy Chicken Burger to the first 100 customers all over McDonald's branch in the Philippines! Luckily, we were able to get 2 coupons and was able to taste this really yummy and really spicy burger! I was not able to take a photo of the burger because we already ate them before I could take the photo of the actual burger. 

Thank you McDonald's! We really enjoyed the free burger!

Monday 10 June 2013

Ginisang Pechay (Sauteed Bok Choy)

Since it's veggty week (I started yesterday), here's another dish that I super love and cooked for lunch today.

Here's what you need:

4 bunch of pechay or bok choy, chopped
P50.00 worth of pork, chopped and thinly sliced
3 small size tomato, diced
1 medium size onion, chopped
4 cloves of garlic, minced
2 tbsp fish sauce
1 cup water
black pepper

How to prepare:

- Heat the pan and put in the cooking oil.
- Saute garlic, onion and tomatoes.
- Add pork and cook for 5 minutes
- Put in fish sauce and black pepper.
- Add water and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes
- When the pork is tender enough, put in pechay or bok choy. Cook for a few seconds, turn off the heat  and wait for 5 minutes before serving.

So far, this is the best veggies I ever tasted and this is in my opinion. Go try this :)

Sayote Guisado

This week is veggies week! I just learned that the Pinoy Food Recipes app I downloaded a couple of weeks ago had lots of easy recipes which my husband loves so much! Let me just remind you that most of these recipes have meat on them because I can't eat just veggies alone, there has to be meat on it. Forgive me, this is me. :)

I want to share with you first the recipe I made the yesterday, it's called Sayote Guisado. It was so easy to make but I was not able to make the meat super crispy like the one I tasted when I visited my brother last weekend. So let's start.

What you need:

2 large sayote, sliced thinly
P50 worth of pork, chopped into small pieces
1 Knorr Chicken cube dissolved in 1 cup water
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 medium onion, chopped
fish sauce
black pepper

How to prepare:

- In a wok, add oil and fry pork pieces until golden brown and crispy. Remove pork and set aside.
- Add onion and garlic then stir fry until onion becomes soft.
- Add sayote and stir fry for one minute.
- Add dissolved Knorr cube and pork and bring to boil and simmer for five minutes or until sayote is tender.
- Season with fish sauce and black pepper.

Easy and yummy!!!

Saturday 8 June 2013

Crunchy Hotdog Menudo

The last post I made was Hotdog menudo and for some reason, I made a Crunchy Hotdog Menudo the other day. This is a little twist of the normal Hotdog Menudo that we usually cook. So let's start.

What you need:

8 pcs. regular hotdog, sliced
2 pcs. medium potatoes, diced
1 medium carrot, diced
1 medium onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 medium green bell pepper, diced
1 pouch 115g of Del Monte Tomato sauce or you can also use Del Monte Quick and Easy Menudo Sauce
dash of pepper
1 tsp of sugar
15 medium lumpia wrappers

How to prepare:

- Saute garlic and onion in pan with hot oil. Add carrots and potatoes. Saute for two minutes.
- Add hotdog and green bell pepper and continue to saute for 2 more minutes.
- Add Del Monte Tomato Sauce, mix and add pepper and sugar to taste.
- Set aside. Let it cool for 20 to 30 minutes.
- Once the hotdog and veggies are cool, scoop spoonful to lumpia wrapper and roll and seal with water. Do it with the rest until you are able to wrap the hotdog menudo.
- Fry until crispy. Serve.

Here are the photos of the process of the recipe.

This is while you saute all the ingredients.

This is how it looks when you put in the tomato sauce.

This is how it looks after you wrap the hotdog menudo.

Enjoy the crunchy hotdog menudo!