Sunday 24 March 2013

Starbucks' Banoffee Pie

Last week, when me and my husband was still in the hospital, I bought one of my favorite pie in the world, Starbucks' Banoffee pie. I told my husband to taste it and he liked it too!

The first time I tasted this oh so yummy pie was back in 2009 when my co-worker ordered this when we were having team breakfast at Starbucks. I loved the taste especially the crunchy crust and the banana too! It is best eaten when cold, I swear!

I think this is always a sold out at Starbucks because when I bought it last week, there were only 2 left and it was just lunch time. 

I want to eat this again! Banoffee pie here costs P120.00, and it is so worth the price!

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